
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hiasfük | Organic Clothing & Apparel

Hiasfük | Organic Clothing & Apparel

We're going to set the record straight... "hiasfük" is pronounced (hi-az-fook) not (high-as-fuck). Don't get me wrong, you can be "hi-as-fuck" and get "hi-as-fük" but in no way is it limited to drug culture. We started in 2011 to provide a constant reminder to challenge what you "think" is possible. We're not trying to change the world, the world is changing and hiasfük is a reflection of that change.
organic clothing organic t-shirts
Organic Cotton T-Shirts 
We have a social responsibility to do things better than the ones before us. When you look at all the bullshit in the world it's hard to fathom how one can help or make a difference. You might be asking yourself, "what does an organic t-shirt have to do with anything?" Organic clothing and apparel practices are just a small piece of the puzzle, and by no means an absolute solution to the globalization of industrial agriculture.
"The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you think you can only do a little.”Zig Ziglar
"Live | Create | Contribute" is more than a slogan, it's a way of life. It's like, live your life, create something, anything, everybody is good at some thing. Give back when you can. I mean, why wouldn't you? Well, contrary to popular belief, you CAN get what you want AND deserve. Hiasfük is about living like THAT. Living up to what you're really capable of.
Saturday, July 8th 2006, on a what seemed to be normal afternoon in Tampa Florida, I was working overtime and my truck got a flat tire on highway I-4. I pulled over to a safe distance, and called my boss who advised me to hurry up and change the tire so i could get to another job. I also called a co-worker, as he lived near by and I figured he could help. Sure enough my friend answered my call and parked his truck directly behind mine, set up road flares and gave me what we both thought was pretty good cover. I'll never forget what happened next... A fucking SUV got cut off, lost control and clipped me going about 70 mph. Some people say that I should have been killed, and that it was a miracle that I didn't. I had over 30 broken bones and was told I would never walk again.
The doctors told me, straight up, I would never walk again. Just like that. How do you think you would respond to a statement like that? I'll tell you what I was thinking... "FUCK_THAT"... I didn't say that out loud, of course, but I was definitely thinking - "Not walking, is not an option."
Surfing, skateboarding, and snowboarding is my life, it's my passion, my meditation, it's my dope, it's MY "Hiasfük". Without it, I wouldn't know what to do. I'd be devastated. Not because I'm trying to be a pro, but because, that's not what it's all about for me.
Since I was injured "on the job", I was fortunate enough to get the best physical therapy Workman's comp could provide. What a joke. The PT visited once for about 5 minutes, took her notes, and concluded her visit. I may have been disabled but I wasn't stupid. The PT didn't stay long and never came back because I lived in the ghetto, and she was either afraid of her car getting stolen, getting robbed herself, or the fact that I had more roaches than "Joe's Apartment". Good times, as you can imagine. Just me, my wheelchair and my roach infested apartment to do the impossible and get my legs back working. If you've ever seen Kill Bill 2, the part when Uma Thurman wakes up in the hospital and has muscle atrophy in her legs, then you have an idea of what it was like for me in that apartment. However, it took a lot more than just saying "wiggle your big toe" to overcome this obstacle.
4 years later after struggling through the pain, the atrophy, the blood, sweat and tears I would run and finish a full 26.2 mile marathon. Needless to say, in 2006, I didn't exactly agree with the doctors diagnosis, jah feel? I was like "fük that". I never thought in a million years that would happen to me, or what I would have to go through, but who ever does, and it did, so that's life. It took years to recover this much, and the road ahead isn't easy, but I still skateboard, and I still get GnarBucket. Nothing can take the place of persistence.
We're not another company telling you that "all your dreams will come true", or "you can fly", or "you're invincible" or any of that bullshit, but we will say this... If you end up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to everybody else telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it. But if you believe in yourself, challenge what is possible, and never give up when you're faced with an obstacle, then you CAN and you WILL get what you WANT and truly DESERVE.

Remember this... "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right." -Henry Ford

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